Better Call Saul (Season 1 Review)

Once in awhile, you'd bump into a series so good, you stuck with it. For me, it's Better Call Saul. I was reading an article about new contents on Netflix for February 2020 and found out that Season 5 is coming. The fact that the series is brought by the creators of Breaking Bad was what made me want to check it out. In no time, I've completed the first season.

Better Call Saul follows the life of a (for lack of a better word) 'rogue' lawyer named Jimmy McGill who is every bit unorthodox in his line of work. The beginning of Season 1 painted him as a struggling legal practitioner trying to meet ends meet, at the same time taking care of his elder brother who has a condition. Jimmy has a little office at the back of a nail salon that doubles as his crib. 

He does all of his little firm's work himself (here's the funny part), picking up client calls and setting appointments (with himself!), personally investigating cases and writing legal documents on pieces of scraps. From my point of view, it gives us a peek at the legal world at its simplest form. Jimmy somehow finds himself doing the oddest jobs including defending sure-lose cases and writing wills for elder people.

Bad decisions led to his involvement with gangsters and hired muscles, also some time in jail, something that I think will catch up with him the future. I just learnt that Jimmy becomes Saul later and is also part of the Breaking Bad universe. A short scene at the beginning of this season seems to suggest this.

Season 1 tells the origin story of rogue lawyer Jimmy McGill. Will be interesting to watch his transformations in the coming seasons. (Images: Netflix)


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