Bad Boys for Life (Movie Review)

Bad Boys for Life is the third movie in the Bad Boys trio of movies starring Will Smith and Martin Lawrence reprising their previous roles. The story starts when a convicted criminal broke out from a prison in Mexico with her son's help and then went out on a hunt to eliminate all individuals who had been involved in her incarceration. This leads to events that would change the lives of the main duo forever.

I read a review earlier saying that the movie is pretty much the same like the previous movies and I am inclined to agree. There is constant argument between the duo throughout the movie with a reasonable side of action.

Nevertheless, the addition of AMMO, a new strike team for the Miami PD gave the movie a breath of fresh air. We get to see a classic old school versus new school contest which is quite a popular theme in movies nowadays. Personally, I'm rooting for AMMO to have its own spin off series with the 'bad boys' cameo-ing from time to time.

I like that the people behind Bad Boys for Life are not trying to set up a world where they can expand the franchise into any direction they like. If they do, they have done it in the most subtle way.

(Images: Netflix)


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