Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Movie Review)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is the third movie in the Indiana Jones movie series. I do not remember watching it when I was child, but I remember watching it as a young adult and sleeping halfway through it. I had the chance to watch the movie again recently and I am convinced that it is just not my cup of tea.

The story is about Indiana Jones on a journey through various countries to save his father who was kidnapped by Nazis. He was put into a position where he has to help the bad guys find the Holy Grail with his father as hostage. Harrison Ford returned as Indiana Jones in this movie. The father was played by Sean Connery, who I think is a suitable actor for the role. Maybe Lucasfilm was going for a more James Bond feel for Indiana Jones, so having Connery in the film feels like a symbolic representation.

Nevertheless, the flow of the movie is a little bit draggy for me. Maybe it had its charms back then in the late 80s but it does not have the appeal of Temple of Doom, in my opinion. I even enjoyed the latest movie, Kingdom of Crystal Skull more. Like everyone else, I am still waiting for the fifth Indiana Jones. Release dates have been revised more than once, we'll see.


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