The Extended Adventures of Han Solo and Lando Calrissian (Star Wars : The Last Shot - Book)

Not an easy one. The story switches back and forth between the present day and, not one, not two, but three different pasts. It got confusing after a while and I had to backtrack and read all the flashbacks first, in chronological order, before catching up with the present day story.

Nevertheless, it is a very fun book like what it says on the back cover review. Alien languages like Ewokese and Wookiee-speak are written in the exact way they are spoken, I literally read them out loud in the dialogues. And then there were the back and forth banters especially between Han and Lando illustrating their close friendship that spans decades.

Perhaps some of the memorable parts of the story are the bittersweet moments with Han and a two-year-old Ben Solo which made the incident that happened during Episode 7 much more sadder.

Not my favorite canon novel but it’s a very fun book to read and has its moments.


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