Feel The Beat (Movie Review)

Sofia Carson, April


My first impression was this is another variation of Step Up. Clearly, I was wrong. Another addition to the list of Netflix movies, Feel The Beat is a story about a hustling dancer, April, who has been trying to get herself into Broadway for years. Unfortunately for her, an incident happened at the beginning of the story that affected her progress. As as result, she needed to take a break and return to her hometown.

Sofia Carson, Feel The Beat, netflix movie

Back home, she is the hometown sweetheart. She became popular for winning all the dancing competitions in her region when she was younger. One thing leads to another and she found herself in a coaching position for the local school dancing team and my, oh my, are they an interesting bunch.

Feel The Beat, netflix movie

So begins the story of the has-been champ trying to instill her discipline and dancing regime into her students. It gets interesting when the team started to progress through dancing tournaments putting the whole hometown behind them. Along they way, she was reminded of who she was and what she really wants in life. A classic self-discovery story ridden with emotions.

Feel The Beat, netflix movie

At the same time, we see her students and her relationship with them get better. Earlier I mentioned that this is not another Step Up movie, I feel like it is more of a 'School of Rock' kind of story, but for dancing. A fun watch.

Netflix movie, dance movie

(Images: Netflix)


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